Price Comparison: Student Book 1 Student Book with...
Student Book 1 Student Book with... | 9780194399784
by Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme,Spigarelli, Jane
Student Book 1 Student Book with...
Step Forward is the best-selling standards-based, four-skills course that improves student outcomes by integrating language instruction into real-life contexts. Designed to build workplace skills, the vocabulary in Step Forward is based on the vocabulary of the Oxford Picture Dictionary providing easy supplementing and a rich, integrated instructional experience.A consistent unit sequence includes vocabulary, life stories, grammar, everyday conversation and real-life reading, carefully developing learners skills, while a transparent lesson structure makes the text accessible to learners, minimizing preparation time.Strong vocabulary and grammar strands provide learners with the tools they need to achieve civics, workplace, life-skills and academic competencies.All Step Forward program components support multilevel instruction.Varied instructional strategies and clear identification of objectives contribute to learner persistence and a variety of assessment tools allow teachers and learners to monitor progress.
ISBN: 9780194399784.
Publisher: Oxford University Press.
Published Year: 2008.
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