Price Comparison: The One Hour Bible: From Adam to...

The One Hour Bible: From Adam to...

The One Hour Bible: From Adam to... | 9780281079643

by Law, Philip

The One Hour Bible: From Adam to... Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit, Jacob and the stairway to heaven, Joseph and his brothers, Samson and Delilah, David and Goliath, Jonah and the whale, the miracles and teachings of Jesus, Paul's vision on the road to Damascus, John's vision of the new Jerusalem: the Bible is full of dramatic stories that have made it the world's bestselling book, and yet few people ever get around to reading it from cover to cover. Now, with The One Hour Bible, readers of all ages can discover its riches and gain a birds-eye view of the entire sweep of the Bible's epic story―in just sixty minutes.
ISBN: 9780281079643.
Publisher: SPCK Publishing.
Published Year: 2018.

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