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Faith and Doubt

Faith and Doubt | 9780310253204

by Ortberg, John

Faith and Doubt Is it possible to be a thinking person and be completely free of doubt? To believe without question? Author and pastor John Ortberg explores the nature of doubt and finds that it is not only common but inevitable, and in some ways necessary. How do we have unshaken faith in a God who seems to sit idle as an earthquake kills thousands? How can we firmly believe in a God that lets children perish in war or from disease or hunger? Calling on his own faith (and doubt) and the observations of philosophers and theologians, Ortberg grapples with when doubt ad uncertainty are obstacles to faith, demonstrating what forms of doubt are damaging, and how we can open ourselves up to the gift of belief. He discusses the faith that hope delivers, a faith so strong and real that 'I can let go and trust that Jesus will catch me.'
ISBN: 9780310253204.
Publisher: Zondervan Trade Books.
Published Year: 2008.

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