Price Comparison: Hellhound on his Trail

Hellhound on his Trail

Hellhound on his Trail | 9780718192068

by Sides Hampton

Hellhound on his Trail "Hellhound on His Trail" is the story of two very different men whose lives catastrophically interweaved over the course of some nine months in the late 1960s: one was a thief and con man called James Earl Ray, the other one of the greatest American figures of the twentieth century, Martin Luther King Jr. Hampton Sides follows in Ray's footsteps as he escapes from prison, creates a new identity for himself and becomes convinced of his mission to kill King. "Hellhound on His Trail" is equally the story of King himself in his last months, fighting to keep his ideals alive in the face of intensive FBI surveillance and his own exhausted frustration. With relentless storytelling drive, Sides follows Ray and King as they crisscross the country, one stalking the other, until the fateful moment, on 4 April 1968 at a Memphis hotel, when the drifter finally caught up with his prey. Nationwide riots were sparked by the assassination, followed by the largest manhunt in American history.
ISBN: 9780718192068.
Publisher: Penguin Books.
Published Year: 2011.

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