Price Comparison: Sabotage and Subversion: The soe and oss at war (Classic Histories Series)

Sabotage and Subversion: The soe and oss at war (Classic Histories Series)

Sabotage and Subversion: The soe and oss at war (Classic Histories Series) | 9780750978538

by Ian Dear

Sabotage and Subversion: The soe and oss at war (Classic Histories Series) Sabotage and subversion have always been a part of warfare. But the global nature of World War II brought a new group of special operations agents, with their own sophisticated means of causing chaos and slowing down the enemy. From de-railing and even blowing up trains to undermining the German government through a campaign of propaganda and underground resistance networks; the SOE and its American counterpart, the OSS, operated far and wide across Europe and in the Far East in their mission to "set Europe ablaze." Ian Dear examines their many secret arts of black-market currency manipulation, forgery, blackmail, smuggling and kidnapping. He also details the training and equipping of saboteurs, describing the incredible weapons and special devices which were invented solely for their use.
ISBN: 9780750978538.
Publisher: The History Press Ltd, United Kingdom, Stroud.
Published Year: 2016.

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