Price Comparison: LEGO ® Harry Potter: Characters of...

LEGO ® Harry Potter: Characters of...

LEGO ® Harry Potter: Characters of... | 9780756692575

by DK Publishing

LEGO ® Harry Potter: Characters of... Expecto patronum! Meet the magical minifigures of the LEGO® Harry Potter™ world in DK's latest addition to our new series, LEGO® Harry Potter™: The Characters of the Magical World! From the multiple variations of Harry and Ron to the unique characteristics of Snape and Voldemort, readers can learn about each minifigure and the magical sets they star in while learning fun and interesting LEGO Harry Potter facts! In-depth profiles alongside dynamic photography will help you to increase your LEGO Harry Potter knowledge and perhaps encourage young readers to conjure up a few spells of their own! Includes an EXCLUSIVE minifigure! TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. (s11)
ISBN: 9780756692575.
Publisher: DK Children.
Published Year: 2012.

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