Price Comparison: A Year in the Gospels With Martin Luther

A Year in the Gospels With Martin Luther

A Year in the Gospels With Martin Luther | 9780758660084

by Luther, Martin/ Mccain, Paul T. (Editor)

A Year in the Gospels With Martin Luther Of all the books that Martin Luther wrote, none was more widely read and used by common, everyday people than the books containing his sermons. No collection of Luther's sermons was printed in more editions, and distributed and read more widely during Martin Luther's lifetime, than the sermons in this collection. The sermons in A Year in the Gospels with Martin Luther are aimed directly at the whole church. This two-volume set contains Luther's sermons on the Gospel lessons featured in the five volumes of the Church Postils. Because Luther's sermons for the Church Year are among his most popular works, readers will have the "best of" Luther's commentary available as they daily read God's Word.
ISBN: 9780758660084.
Publisher: Concordia Pub House.
Published Year: 2018.

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