Price Comparison: A Hitchhiker's Guide to Jesus:...

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Jesus:...

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Jesus:... | 9780801036064

by Bruce N. Fisk

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Jesus:... This imaginative approach to Jesus studies chronicles the journey of Norm, a fictional college graduate who travels to the Middle East to see if he can study Jesus and follow him at the same time, and if curiosity will make him a better disciple or no disciple at all.Norm sets out on an adventure to investigate the New Testament and the life of Jesus for himself, hitchhiking simultaneously across the Gospels and the land. His travels offer students and lay readers a creative and engaging way to explore many of the major questions in Jesus studies today. Will Norm be able to reconcile his Christian faith with critical scholarship? As readers follow his faith journey, they learn the importance of asking probing questions. The book's lavish, journal-style interior design--featuring maps, photos, doodles, sketches, and email exchanges between Norm and his professor--makes it fun to read.
ISBN: 9780801036064.
Publisher: Baker Academic.
Published Year: 2011.

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