Price Comparison: Indian Locomotives Part 1- Broad...

Indian Locomotives Part 1- Broad...

Indian Locomotives Part 1- Broad... | 9780950346984

by Hughes H

Indian Locomotives Part 1- Broad... Part 1 in this series begins with a general history of the development of broad gauge railways in India, the locomotive types, and stock totals at 20 year intervals to illustrate the varying trends in motive power. The book then provides a detailed look at 14 railway systems, covering over 10,000 locomotives. For each system, there is a roster of all known locomotives, a brief history of the railway (including opening date, mergers, etc.), and a description of the main features of the locomotive stock. Railways covered include the Bengal-Nagpur, the Bombay, Baroda & Central India, the East Coast, the Eastern Bengal, the East Indian, the Great Indian Peninsula, the Great Southern of India, the Indian State Railways, the Madras & Southern Mahratta, Nizzam's State, the North Western, the Oudh & Rohilkhand, the Southern Indian. and the Ceylon Government Railway. The book also covers port railways and industrial railways. Illustrated throughout with black and white photos. 112 pages with index.
ISBN: 9780950346984.
Publisher: The Continental Railway Circle.
Published Year: 1990.

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