Price Comparison: McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Business...

McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Business...

McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Business... | 9781265622008

by Spilker, Brian C.; Ayers, Benjamin C.; Barrick, John A.; Lewis, Troy; Robinson, John; Weaver, Connie; Worsham, Ronald G.

McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Business... Hardcover. FULLY UPDATED FOR CURRENT TAX LAWS The bold and innovative McGraw Hill Taxation series is now the most widely adopted code-based Tax title across the country. It's apparent why the clear, organized, and engaging delivery of content, paired with the most current and robust tax code updates, is used by more than 650 schools.The breadth of the topical coverage, the storyline approach to presenting the material, the emphasis on the tax and non-tax consequences of multiple parties involved in transactions, and the integration of financial and tax accounting topics make this book ideal for the modern tax curriculum.Story Line Approach: Each chapter begins with a story line that introduces a set of characters or a business entity facing specific tax-related situations. Examples related to the story line allow students to learn the code in context.Integrated Examples: In addition to providing examples in-context, we provide "What if" scenarios within many examples to illustrate how variations in the facts might or might not change the answers.More than 100 Videos: Guided Example hint videos provide students with on-demand walk-throughs of key Tax topics, offering narrated, animated, step-by-step solutions to algorithmic variants for select exercises similar to those assigned.Conversational Writing Style, Superior Organization, and Real-World Focus Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
ISBN: 9781265622008.
Publisher: McGraw Hill (edition 14).
Published Year: 2022.

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