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What Love Is - Bible Study Book:...

What Love Is - Bible Study Book:... | 9781430031550

by Minter, Kelly

What Love Is - Bible Study Book:... The letters of 1, 2, & 3 John were written to encourage followers of Jesus to remain faithful to the truth. Believers are challenged to look at contrasting themes such as walking in the light instead of darkness, truth versus lies and deception, loving God more than loving the world, and the meaning of true fellowship and community rather than shallowness. This study reveals not only the heart of John but also the heart of Jesus. Features: 6 weeks of personal study material Great addition to The Living Room Series that includes recipes and a relational approach Author: Kelly Minter is an author, speaker, songwriter, and singer. She is passionate about women discovering Jesus Christ through the pages of Scripture. So whether it’s through a song, study, or spoken word, Kelly’s desire is to authentically express Christ to the women of this generation. In a culture where so many are hurting and broken, she loves to share about the healing and strength of Christ through the Bible’s truth. Kelly writes extensively and speaks and leads worship at women’s conferences, retreats, and events.
ISBN: 9781430031550.
Publisher: Lifeway Press.
Published Year: 2014.

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