Price Comparison: Ulysses S. Grant: a Victor, Not a Butcher: The Military Genius of the Man Who Won the Civil War

Ulysses S. Grant: a Victor, Not a Butcher: The Military Genius of the Man Who Won the Civil War

Ulysses S. Grant: a Victor, Not a Butcher: The Military Genius of the Man Who Won the Civil War | 9781596986411

by Bonekemper, Edward H., III

Ulysses S. Grant: a Victor, Not a Butcher: The Military Genius of the Man Who Won the Civil War Ulysses S. Grant is often accused of being a cold hearted butcher of his troops. In Ulysses S. Grant: A Victor, Not a Butcher, historian Edward H. Bonekemper III proves that Grant’s casualty rates actually compared favorably with those of other Civil War generals. His perseverance, decisiveness, moral courage, and political acumen place him among the greatest generals of the Civil War indeed, of all military history. Bonekemper proves that it was no historical accident that Grant accepted the surrender of three entire Confederate armies and won the Civil War. Bonekemper ably silences Grant’s critics and restores Grant to the heroic reputation he so richly deserves.
ISBN: 9781596986411.
Publisher: Regnery History.
Published Year: 2010.

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