Price Comparison: Master American History in 1 M

Master American History in 1 M

Master American History in 1 M | 9781641701235

by Roberts, Dan

Master American History in 1 M Where was the lost colony? What tipped the balance in the Civil War? Were there second thoughts about dropping the atomic bomb?Amaze your friends and stun your coworkers with these answers and more from Master American History in 1 Minute a Day. Join acclaimed historian Dan Roberts―known to millions as the voice of the A Moment in Time radio series―on a bite-sized romp through 500 years of American history. With just one minute a day, you can master all the essential facts of America's founding, Civil War, world conflicts, homefront transformations, and more. Packed with full-color photographs, paintings, and lively mini essays, Master American History in 1 Minute a Day is the perfect armchair companion for history lovers and history learners alike!
ISBN: 9781641701235.
Publisher: Familius.
Published Year: 2019.

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