Price Comparison: Parent Guide with Review, Math 1, Algebra 1, 2nd. ed.

Parent Guide with Review, Math 1, Algebra 1, 2nd. ed.

Parent Guide with Review, Math 1, Algebra 1, 2nd. ed. | 9781885145888

by Sallee, Tom

Parent Guide with Review, Math 1, Algebra 1, 2nd. ed. The Parent Guide with Review contains explanations of the main ideas of each chapter in the student textbook, including examples and additional solved problems. There are also suggestions to improve student study skills. Each section has dozens of additional problems for extra practice and review with the ideas in each chapter. Answers are provided at the end of the guide. The guide concludes with an outline of the core conceptual threads in the course, showing how the subtopics of each thread are woven through the textbook.
ISBN: 9781885145888.
Publisher: CPM Educational Program.
Published Year: 2000.

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