Rent Textbooks Online with Ease

Enter your ISBN to see what offers are available for rental books.


College textbooks can be expensive. According to the College Board, in the 2020 - 2021 academic year, on average, students in four-year institutions spent over $1,400 for textbooks and related materials while students in two-year institutions spent over $1,200.

However, there are ways to achieve savings and better manage the overall spending on textbooks. One way is through textbook rental. There are several online platforms and marketplaces dedicated to selling and renting textbooks.

When planning your college budget for books, it is important not to overlook the rental option as the savings can be incredibly significant. Students can save over 70% or more in some cases.

In this article, we will discuss the following key areas relating to textbook rentals:

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Renting Versus Buying Textbooks
  2. Should I Buy or Rent Textbooks?
  3. Where to Rent Textbooks Online
  4. Frequently Asked Questions About Textbook Rental

Advantages and Disadvantages of Renting Textbooks Pros: Affordability

Price is one of the main advantages of renting textbooks as it makes it easier to fit into your budget. For example, at the time of this writing, the Engineering Mechanics : Statics by Hibbeler, Russell C textbook was priced between $272 to $314 on various websites including Amazon. However, you could rent one in good condition for as low as $27 for a semester, including shipping. That is an upfront savings of $245 to $287 or 90% - 91%, if you compared that to a scenario where a new textbook was purchased, and no resale was intended.


For many students, time is of the essence. There is nothing more rewarding than having to take care of something such as acquiring the textbooks you need for the semester, while sitting in the comfort of your bedroom or couch, with a few clicks of the mouse. Most of the websites make the textbook rental process amazingly easy and convenient.


Space is a premium for most students. Having to rent your college textbooks means you will not have to deal with storing them at the end of the term.

No Resale Worries

When you rent your textbooks, you do not have to worry about resale when you no longer need them.

Cons: No Ownership

When you rent your textbook, you have to be extra careful since you do not own it, to avoid any charges due to damage or other restrictions such as highlighted pages.

Impact on Study Method

There may be restrictions that can negatively affect the way you study. For instance, if you are someone who likes to highlight pages to note key areas to focus on, you should be aware that rental terms may limit or exclude highlighting of pages.

Potential Liability

As mentioned above you have to be meticulous in handling your rented textbooks as you could be responsible for additional fees if there are damages beyond the normal wear and tear.

Chart Comparing Rent Vs Buy Features: Rent Textbooks and Save Big! Should I Buy or Rent Textbooks?

Ultimately, the decision to buy or rent your textbook will depend on your personal situation. However, in the overall scheme of things, you should take a strategic approach by taking a few things into consideration.

  1. Review syllabus: Completely go over your syllabus and understand what textbooks are required or recommended for each course.
  2. Compare prices: Some due diligence is important. Do your price research. This can be as simple as using price comparison tools such as to check the price of the new, used or rented textbook from different sources. See the example in the image below, showing a price comparison table from Windsorbooks. All you need is ISBN.
  3. Evaluate your needs: It is extremely important to make sure you understand your needs with regard to how long you intend to keep the book, you’re learning style, and any particular course requirements.
  4. Make an informed decision: This should not be an emotional decision. Decide based on what best meets your needs using some or all of these criteria.

Rent Textbooks and Save Big!
Where to Rent Textbooks Online Rent Textbooks and Save Big! Should I Buy or Rent Textbooks?

When it comes to renting textbooks, there are many choices available today. Most of the major online bookstores that sell textbooks rent them as well. Below are some of the main ones:


Chegg offers a great rental program with a 21-day risk-free return in case you drop the class or change your mind for other reason. In addition, they provide free pre-paid shipping labels as well as free eBook on some titles you can use while waiting for the textbook.

Valore Books:

According to the website, Valore Books has over 9 million books and a huge number of titles available for rental. They offer free pre-paid return shipping labels, as well as the option to extend rental duration. Rental orders are said to ship within 48 hours.


eCampus has a rental program that offers a wide selection of textbooks. You can rent for a semester, quarter, or short term or extend your rental duration. According to the website, most orders ship within 48 hours. They do not provide rentals in Hawaii or Alaska.


The Knetbooks program offers free shipping for rental orders as well as a free pre-paid shipping label for returns. This is excellent as many other programs offer only free return shipping labels. Similar to other programs, there are multiple rental durations, such as short-term, quarter, and semester as well as the ability to extend the rentals.

Barnes & Noble

Barnes and Noble has an excellent rental program that includes 21 21-day grace period wherein you can return the book as long as it is in the same condition as you got it and get your full refund. They also offer free return shipping as well as rental periods of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, or 125 days.

Frequently Asked Questions About Textbook Rental
  • Should I rent my textbooks? Whether to rent or buy will depend on your individual situation. As indicated above, this should not be an emotional or stressful decision. You should make an informed decision:

    • Review your syllabus to understand what textbooks are required or recommended
    • Check prices by using tools such as, to understand what the range of prices is for new, used, or rentals
    • Make sure you understand how long you will need the textbook.
    • Know how you would use the book in your studies (i.e. highlighting, writing notes etc.)
  • Can I highlight in my rental? Some programs allow limited highlighting, but most programs do not. It is better to assume that you will not be allowed to do so.

  • Does rental textbook come with accessories such CDs, Access Codes, Workbooks, etc.)? They are generally not included as those are usually one-time use items. Make sure you read the rental policy regarding this issue before renting if this is of interest to you.

  • Can I keep the book when I am finished with it? Yes. all the programs listed above will allow you to purchase the textbook at the end of the term if you wish to do so. Make sure to read the policy of the program you are using, to understand what to expect in terms of price should you choose to buy it, at the end of the duration.