Price Comparison: You Said What?: Lies and Propaganda...

You Said What?: Lies and Propaganda...

You Said What?: Lies and Propaganda... | 9780061130502

by Fawcett, Bill

You Said What?: Lies and Propaganda... A fascinating, fun, and fact-filled compendium of the greatest lies, deceptions, propaganda, and frauds ever perpetratedThroughout history—from the dawn of man to the War on Terror—governments, corporations, historians, and high-level braggarts of every stripe have freely engaged in the time-honored pastime of lying for fun and profit. You Said What? is an endlessly entertaining and outrageously edifying look at some of the biggest whoppers of all time, chock-full of deceptions, trickery, and incredible untruths both infamous and obscure.The press conspiracies that protected FDR's legs, as well as JFK's sex addiction and failing healthLies that caused the Knights Templar fall, the Salem witch trials, and the Black DeathBig lies that changed history: Vietnam's Gulf of Tonkin, the Cuban missile crisis, the “Polish” raid that kicked off WWII . . . and remember the Maine?The self-made, self-serving myths we still believe today of Davy Crockett, Lawrence of Arabia, and NapoleonPlus our own personal pick for History's #1 Biggest Liar . . . and much more!The lies will out! You Said What? is an indispensable treasure trove of true falsehoods, and an irreverent introduction to the world's greatest lies and the liars who told them.
ISBN: 9780061130502.
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks.
Published Year: 2007.

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