Price Comparison: The First Christmas: What the Gospe...

The First Christmas: What the Gospe...

The First Christmas: What the Gospe... | 9780061430701

by Borg, Marcus J.; Crossan, John Dominic

The First Christmas: What the Gospe... “Who could argue with the message the authors draw from the Bible’s Christmas stories? Light in the darkest time of the year, hope in a period of creeping despair—these are powerful and universal themes that can give everyone a stake in Christmas.”—USA Today In The First Christmas Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan—top Jesus scholars and authors of The Last Week—help us see the real Christmas story buried in the familiar Bible accounts. Basing their interpretations on the two nativity narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Borg and Crossan focus on the literal story—the inner truth rather than the historical facts—to offer a clear and uplifting message of hope and peace. With The First Christmas readers get a fresh, deep, and new understanding of the nativity story, enabling us to better appreciate the powerful message of the Gospels.
ISBN: 9780061430701.
Publisher: HarperOne.
Published Year: 2007.

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