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Behavior Management: Positive Appli... | 9780137063208

Behavior Management: Positive Appli...

Behavior Management: Positive Appli... | 9780137063208

by Zirpoli, Thomas J.

Behavior Management: Positive Appli... This comprehensive text outlines and overviews the measurement, assessment, and intervention of behavior challenges commonly found in classroom environments.   The revised sixth edition of Behavior Management: Positive Applications for Teachers outlines both school-wide and individual strategies for positive behavior supports — while also focusing on how educators can develop unique behavior management strategies for individual students. This comprehensive text emphasizes functional techniques, real-world classrooms, and practical information — all while covering the legal aspects of behavioral management, assessment strategies, strategies for special populations and diverse populations, age-related behavioral concerns, and the three-tier response-to-intervention approach. Pedagogical features include classroom connections, reflections, discussion questions, and end-of-chapter references.
ISBN: 9780137063208.
Publisher: Pearson.
Published Year: 2012.

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