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Art of James Joyce | 9780195002584

Art of James Joyce

Art of James Joyce | 9780195002584

by Litz, A. Walton

Art of James Joyce The Art of James Joyce is a "biography" of the two controversial major works, Ulusses and Finnegans Wake. Professor Litz has recreated the simultaneous development of Joyce's literry work and literary theory through the use of letters, drafts, note-sheets, and corrections on galley sheets. He reassembles, piece by piece, the "mosaic" form of the writing as it evolved over twenty-six years, and reveals Joyce's growing concept of his art as a total vision constantly elaborated through correction and addition. Since the book follows Joyce's composition from its simpler through its more complex forms, it is a guide to the meaning of difficult passages as well as a guide to method and design. This Galaxy Book edition contains a new preface, corrections, and an addendum, further illuminating "Joyces lifelong search for a form in which expression and substance are uniquely joined." --- from book's back cover
ISBN: 9780195002584.
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA.
Published Year: 1964.

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