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Ambrose [The Early Church Fathers] | 9780415118422

Ambrose [The Early Church Fathers]

Ambrose [The Early Church Fathers] | 9780415118422

by Boniface Ramsey

Ambrose [The Early Church Fathers] St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan from 374 to 397, was one of the most important figures of the fourth century Roman empire. This volume explores the enormous impact of Ambrose on Western civilization, and examines the complexity of his ideas and influence; as a poet, ascetic, mystic and politician. Ambrose combines an up-to-date account of his life and work, with translations of key writings. Ramsey's volume presents a comprehensive and accessible insight into a relatively unexplored persona and argues that Ambrose has influenced the Western world in ways as yet unrealized.
ISBN: 9780415118422.
Publisher: Routledge September 1997.
Published Year: 1997.

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