Price Comparison: Feasting on the Gospels--John,...

Feasting on the Gospels--John,...

Feasting on the Gospels--John,... | 9780664235536

by Jarvis, Cynthia A.,Johnson, E. Elizabeth

Feasting on the Gospels--John,... Feasting on the Gospels follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series with all new material on the most prominent and preached-on New Testament books, the four Gospels.With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels covers every single passage in the Gospels, making it suitable for both lectionary and nonlectionary use. Moreover, these volumes incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, with four perspectives for preachers to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical.
ISBN: 9780664235536.
Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press.
Published Year: 2015.

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