Price Comparison: Fight Fat : A Total Lifestyle Program for Men to Stay Slim and Healthy

Fight Fat : A Total Lifestyle Program for Men to Stay Slim and Healthy

Fight Fat : A Total Lifestyle Program for Men to Stay Slim and Healthy | 9780875962788

by George, Stephen; Bredenberg, Jeff & the Editors of Men's Health Books

Fight Fat : A Total Lifestyle Program for Men to Stay Slim and Healthy Scientists at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, found that exercising beats dieting hands down if your goal is shedding flab. Two groups were studied: exercisers, who ate as much as usual but pedaled stationary bikes to burn off 360 calories a day; and dieters, who trimmed back their daily food consumption by 360 calories.Since both groups cut out 360 calories a day, you'd figure it would be a wash. Wrong. The final score: dieters, 4 1/2 pounds of fat lost; exercisers, 19 pounds of fat lost.The reason: Most of the weight lost by dieters was muscle, not fat. The exercisers not only lost fat but gained muscle. And lean body mass burns more calories than fat body mass. That means you can eat more without gaining weight.Surprised? There are many more awaiting you inside the pages of Fight Fat. From how to cook a romantic dinner to how to get started in golf, from how to snack smartly at work to how to burn more calories while sleeping, Fight Fat is your round-the-clock guide to the lean lifestyle.
ISBN: 9780875962788.
Publisher: Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.
Published Year: 1995.

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