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Merriam-Websters Dictionary of... | 9780877797357

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of...

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of... | 9780877797357

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Merriam-Websters Dictionary of... Revised and updated for 2016, this trade paperback provides a convenient, comprehensive guide to the language of law for everyone from the homeowner to the legal professional. Defines more than 10,000 legal words and phrases in common terminology. New and updated entries taken from recent events include buffer zone, cybersecurity, gun control law, and marriage. Important laws including the Affordable Care Act and the Voting Rights Act and agencies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau were updated to reflect recent Supreme Court decisions and new legislation.New entries include: benefit corporation, civil union, community supervision, right-to-die law, voter ID law, health care power of attorney, cyber insurance, e-discovery, and reverse redlining.Special sections included on the judicial system, important legal cases, government agencies and landmark laws.
ISBN: 9780877797357.
Publisher: Merriam-Webster, Inc..
Published Year: 2016.

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