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Mansfield Park (The Cambridge Editi... | 9781107620476

Mansfield Park (The Cambridge Editi...

Mansfield Park (The Cambridge Editi... | 9781107620476

by Austen, Jane:

Mansfield Park (The Cambridge Editi... In recent years, Mansfield Park has come to be regarded as Austen's most controversial novel. It was published in two editions in her lifetime and the 1814 and 1816 texts are fully collated in this work--allowing readers to see the differences between the first edition and the second. This includes some important amendments made by Jane Austen herself. Also included, with a brief note on Elizabeth Inchbald, is the text of Lovers' Vows, the play around which much of the plot of Mansfield Park revolves.
ISBN: 9781107620476.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press.
Published Year: 2013.

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