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International Edition - Internation... | 9781118466483

International Edition - Internation...

International Edition - Internation... | 9781118466483

by Kotabe, Helsen

International Edition - Internation... Get the Global Edge in Marketing "The conceptual framework developed in this book will facilitate an in-depth study of international marketing issues. . well-thought out and structured analysis of several important concepts. A comprehensive set of tools are presented so that students can analyze and understand the global marketplace. The examples are application oriented and focus on interesting business practices. Country coverage is extensive. The global perspectives inserts are a major strength of the book. It provides unique and novel insights on the strategies of multinational corporations in a wide range of situations and countries." - D. Maheswaran, New York University "This text definitely portrays modern teaching concepts in global marketing - much more holistic examination of the marketing function." - Hildy Teegen, The George Washington University "It is truly global, comprehensive, and cross-functional. Extensive coverage of sourcing strategy, GATT/WTO/FTAs, and culture's role across all elements add new dimensions. The increased coverage of segmentation has long been overdue in this field and is well-handled in this text. The work is current, up-to-date, and portrays modern teaching concepts in global marketing. Many of the examples are unique to this text and serve as refreshing changes from the tired war stories that often appear again and again elsewhere." - Scott Swan, The College of William & Mary "The authors' tone and style shall appeal to our students. They write in a clear and comprehensive style. . The authors have researched well and presented appropriate and interesting examples to illustrate the text. The cases cover extensive geographical areas; functional areas such as product, pricing, promotion and advertising, technology, retailing, etc. add to the students' learning experience." - K.C. Dhawan, Concordia University/Montreal
ISBN: 9781118466483.
Publisher: None.
Published Year: None.

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