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Microeconomics (The Mcgraw-hill... | 9781259655500

Microeconomics (The Mcgraw-hill...

Microeconomics (The Mcgraw-hill... | 9781259655500

by Colander, David

Microeconomics (The Mcgraw-hill... Colander’s Economics 10e is specifically designed to help today’s students succeed in the principles of economics course and grasp economic concepts they can apply in their daily lives. Colander’s trademark colloquial approach focuses on modern economics, institutions, history, and modeling, and is organized around learning objectives to make it easier for students to understand the material and for instructors to build assignments within Connect. Through Connect and Smartbook students will find engaging activities, helpful tutorial videos, and learning resources at that moment of need. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
ISBN: 9781259655500.
Publisher: McGraw Hill.
Published Year: 2016.

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