1. Fiji & Tonga Travel Reference... | 9781553411734

1. Fiji & Tonga Travel Reference... | 9781553411734
by ITMB Publishing LTD
1. Fiji & Tonga Travel Reference...
Finally! We have spent more time updating and revising our Fiji map than any map in recent times. We even brought in a Fijian cartographer to ensure that the information would be best we could make. The many islands of Fiji are a beachcomber's paradise and as a 'get-away-from-it-all' vacation destination, Fiji is hard to beat. With this edition, we have added the island kingdom of Tonga to one side, with Fiji filling the other side and spilling over on to Tonga'side. Both countries are lovely, but the reality of two compantible neighbouring countries is the only way we can maintain coverage of two very nice parts of the world. The Fiji side includes a very good inset map of Suva and the Tonga side an inset of Nuku'Alofa - and if you didn't know that these are the two capitals, you do now!
ISBN: 9781553411734.
Publisher: ITMB Publishing LTD.
Published Year: 2015.
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