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Instrument Rating Practical Test... | 9781560277798

Instrument Rating Practical Test...

Instrument Rating Practical Test... | 9781560277798

by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA)

Instrument Rating Practical Test... For flight instructors, FAA examiners and FAA license applicants, the Practical Test Standards (PTS) are used to prepare for, review, take, or issue the checkride. They list the knowledge and experience prerequisites, the levels of skill that must be demonstrated, and describe background study and reference materials.ASA reprints the most current FAA Practical Test Standards in this series of handy cockpit-sized guides. Every PTS is written by the FAA and lists the details about the type and levels of skill and knowledge that must be demonstrated before an examiner can issue a certificate or rating to an applicant. This edition is the FAA PTS for the Instrument Rating for Airplane, Helicopter, and Powered Lift.
ISBN: 9781560277798.
Publisher: Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc..
Published Year: 2010.

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