Price Comparison: Miniatures and Morals

Miniatures and Morals

Miniatures and Morals | 9781591280156

by Leithart, Peter J.

Miniatures and Morals Not only are Austen's novels still widely read, they continue to influence modern film and literature. In both their moral content and their focused, highly detailed, "miniaturist" execution, they reveal Austen's mastery of the art of fiction and her concern for Christian virtues exercised within communities. She entertains, edifies, and challenges men and women readers alike.From theological and literary angles, Leithart analyzes character and theme while summarizing each of Austen's major works--Pride & Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Sense & Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion. Including helpful review and thought questions for each section, this book is an excellent introduction to Austen for students and for all who desire a richer appreciation of her enduring genius.
ISBN: 9781591280156.
Publisher: Canon Press.
Published Year: 2004.

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