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Teaching Reading Sourcebook (Core... | 9781634022354

Teaching Reading Sourcebook (Core...

Teaching Reading Sourcebook (Core... | 9781634022354

by Honig, Bill; Diamond, Linda; Gutlohn, Linda

Teaching Reading Sourcebook (Core... "Provides both distilled theory and research, with lessons you can teach tomorrow morning. It is a keeper . . .a textbook that pre-service and classroom teachers will want to keep and pull off of their professional bookshelf quite often. "—Shane Templeton, Ph.D.,University of Nevada, Reno A bestselling, research-based guide to effective reading instruction, the Teaching Reading Sourcebook helps current and future educators bridge the gap between evidence-based reading research and actionable instruction strategies. Organized according to the guiding questions behind explicit instruction (what?,why? ,when?, and how? ), this third edition includes both a research-informed knowledge base and practical sample lesson models to use in the classroom. Teachers will learn about five key elements of an effective reading program—phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension—and they'll get teaching tips and intervention strategies to help them put principles into practice. A hands–on teacher's guide and an essential text for professional preparation, this book is a must–have for educators at every level.WHAT’S NEW:A new chapter on MTSS and its 4 key components of implementation Revised assessment table aligned to MTSS chapter Updated research references throughout Common profiles of reading difficulties Updated NAEP results New statistics about English learners Newest Hasbrouck and Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Norms Listed by the National Council on Teacher Quality’s 2018 Teacher Prep Review as one of 10 textbooks that comprehensively and rigorously cover the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction.SUPPORT SITE COMING SOON: The companion site for this textbook will include course objectives, key vocabulary, and assessment questions for each chapter.
ISBN: 9781634022354.
Publisher: Academic Therapy Publications.
Published Year: 2018.

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