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Feldman and Sullivan's Constitution... | 9781684672158

Feldman and Sullivan's Constitution...

Feldman and Sullivan's Constitution... | 9781684672158

by Sullivan, Kathleen,Feldman, Noah

Feldman and Sullivan's Constitution... This casebook provides a unique combination of clearly structured and lawyerly coverage of the cases with rich historical, theoretical, and philosophical materials that illuminate the development of our constitutional law. The note materials and questions in the casebook make it easy to structure classes and promote lively discussion. And comparative examples from the constitutional law of other nations are provided throughout.The Twentieth Edition is an updated version of this classic casebook, adding new materials on the Supreme Court’s most recent decisions on the First Amendment, Equal Protection, Substantive Due Process, Separation of Powers, and Federalism.
ISBN: 9781684672158.
Publisher: Foundation Press.
Published Year: 2019.

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