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Professional Meeting Management: A... | 9781932841978

Professional Meeting Management: A...

Professional Meeting Management: A... | 9781932841978

by Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA)

Professional Meeting Management: A... The sixth edition of Professional Meeting Management is the newest edition of the longtime standard reference and textbook for the meetings industry and meetings education. This is the first student and meeting professionals textbook aligned with the new Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) International Standards, which will be used by the Convention Industry Council as a reference book for item writing for the CMP Certification Examination. It includes the most up-to-date information on current trends, strategic planning for meetings, budgeting and funding, marketing and promotion, technology, running and closing the meeting, and industry developments on the horizon.
ISBN: 9781932841978.
Publisher: Agate B2.
Published Year: 2015.

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